
Time Title Name Affiliation
08:50~08:55 Opening remark 형우진 KLASS 회장
08:55~09:00 Congratulatory remark 정호영 대한위암학회 회장
09:00~10:00 Session 1: Update of On-going KLASS Trials 좌장: 양한광(서울의대),
김민찬(동아의대), 허 훈(아주의대)
09:00~09:08 KLASS 06 - LTG vs OTG in AGC 형우진 연세의대
09:08~09:16 KLASS 07 - TLDG vs LADG 이창민 고려의대
09:16~09:24 KLASS 08 - LDG vs ODG after neoadjuvant CTx 박영규 전남의대
09:24~09:32 KLASS 09 - Conventional vs long-limb Roux-en Y in gastric cancer with T2DM 김종한 고려의대
09:32~09:40 KLASS 11 - National survey for GEJ cancer 김진조 가톨릭의대
09:40~09:48 KLASS 12 - Reduced vs conventional port in laparoscopic gastrectomy 이한홍 가톨릭의대
09:48~10:00 Discussion 송교영(가톨릭의대), 박도중(서울의대)
10:00~10:20 Break
10:20~11:30 Session 2: Image Guided Surgery 좌장: 김찬영(전북의대),
10:20~10:35 My protocol of ICG injection; Why and How? 공성호 서울의대
10:35~10:50 My protocol of ICG injection; Why and How? 서호석 가톨릭의대
10:50~11:05 Various NIR imaging devices 윤홍만 국립암센터
11:05~11:20 Image guided vascular navigation surgery 형우진 연세의대
11:20~11:30 Discussion  이주호(을지의대), 이준호(성균관의대)
11:30~12:10 Invited Speaker Session (English) 좌장: 최승호(연세의대), 권오경(경북의대)
11:30~11:50 Feasibility of minimally invasive gastrectomy for advanced gastric cancer: experience of our Kyoto University Group Kazutaka Obama Kyoto University, Japan
11:50~12:10 Strategic development of robotic gastric surgery program at MD Anderson Cancer Center Naruhiko Ikoma MD Anderson, USA
12:10~13:00 Break & Lunch
13:00~13:10 총회
13:10~14:10 Session 3: Technical Points in laparoscopic GI Surgery 좌장: 김욱(가톨릭의대),
최창인(부산의대), 손명원(순천향의대)
13:10~13:22 Minimal invasive approach for intestinal obstruction 김동진 가톨릭의대
13:22~13:34 Technical tip for secure esophagojejunostomy 이상억 건양의대
13:34~13:46 Technical tips for LPPG 박지호 경상의대
13:46~13:58 Lymph node dissection in obese patient 박영석 서울의대
13:58~14:10 Discussion 류근원(국립암센터), 이상일(충남의대)
14:10~14:30 Break
14:30~15:30 Session 4-A: Free Paper Presentation (I) 좌장: 한상욱(아주의대), 최민규(성균관의대), 권인규(연세의대)
14:30~14:40 False-luminal esophagus stapling with jejunum / massive intraluminal bleeding of GJ stomy 김민찬 동아의대
14:40~14:50 Splenic artery pseudoaneurysm induced by thermal injury after distal gastrectomy: A case report 박종민 국립의료원
14:50~15:00 Prevention of Petersen’s hernia using jejunal mesentery fixing (Mefix) technique 정상호 경상의대
15:00~15:10 The usefulness of knotless tissue control device in laparoscopic upper gastrointestinal surgery 김대훈 충북의대
15:10~15:20 Incidentally detected heterotopic pancreas on the duodenal bulb during laparoscopic distal gastrectomy 정미란 전남의대
15:20~15:30 Penetration of surgical drain into remnant stomach after laparoscopic distal gastrectomy: 2 cases 박기범 가톨릭의대
15:30~15:40 Break
14:30~15:30 Session 4-B: Free Paper Presentation (II) 좌장: 이혁준(서울의대), 지예섭(단국의대), 엄방울(국립암센터)
14:30~14:40 Completion total gastrectomy after proximal gastrectomy 김형일 연세의대
14:40~14:50 Novel technique of application of film-type adhesion barrier (Seprafilm®) during laparoscopic gastrectomy: a laparoscopic introducer 정오 전남의대
14:50~15:00 Step-by-step standardized approach of pure single incision laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer using the intracorporeal self-retractor and the articulating laparoscopic device 서윤석 서울의대
15:00~15:10 Endoluminal vacuum therapy on the leakage after palliative total gastrectomy 하태경 한양의대
15:10~15:20 Nightmare of laparoscopic EJ anastomosis using linear stapler for experienced gastric surgeon 장유진 고려의대
15:20~15:30 Single port PPG / duodenal stump invagination 손상용 아주의대
15:30~15:40 Break
15:40~16:50 Session 5: New Robot Surgery System (English) 좌장: 김형호(서울의대), 신동우(한림의대), 이인섭(울산의대)
15:40~15:55 Complete disclosure of information of the first endoscopic surgery support robot made in Japan,
“Hinotori surgical system”
Ichiro Uyama Fujita Medical Univ, Japan
15:55~16:10 Versius, surgical system from CMR surgical, UK Kin Cheung CMR Surgical. UK
16:10~16:25 Revo-I, surgical solution from Meere Company, Korea 김유민 연세의대
16:25~16:40 Ottava, new surgical robotic system from Ethicon : Robot & Distal Solution Bill Gawkins & Dave Herrmann Johnson & Johnson
16:40~16:50 Discussion 류승완(계명의대), 김종원(중앙의대)
16:50~17:00 Closing remark 형우진 KLASS 회장